Watchmen: Chapter 1’s trailer is beautifully animated, but I still have one concern

The clock is going down to midnight, dear readers; and it’s all thanks to Guardian: Chapter 1 about to reintroduce Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’ graphic novel to the cinematic world. Of course, the big difference is that 2024 movie Guardian: Chapter 1 is a fully animated affair, and the first of a two-part, full-color adaptation heading to digital platforms in August. The good news is that after watching this trailer, I have to agree with my colleagues that it’s absolutely gorgeous and shows a lot of promise. But I still have a big concern.

Warner Bros. Animation and Paramount Pictures released the first trailer, and no you’re not seeing double with this title. Our own Adam Holmes shared his worry about Guardian animated teaser which expired in June; and his concerns were more related to the world of upcoming DC animated movies.

My concerns are very different, as I’m a huge fan of not only the original book, but also director Zack Snyder’s 2009 live-action adaptation. And from what I see with this trailer for Watchmen: Chapter 1I’m worried that this remake may have happened way too soon.

Laurie and Dan stand in a dangerous alley with a worried look in Watchmen: Chapter 1.

(Image credit: WB Animation / Paramount Pictures / DC)

I know it’s been 15 years since that movie debuted in theaters, and it Guardian animated movie rumor mill stretching back as far as 2017. So it’s not like this was a project that really surprised anyone, and again, this looks like a wonderful, comically accurate portrayal of the work of Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. That’s exactly where my problem lies though, as I wonder how exactly Watchmen: Chapter 1 will start competing with the pre-existing film.

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