Thunderbolts* Super Bowl Trailer tries to hide the blockbuster’s villain, but I think we know who it is

So far previews for Upcoming Marvel film Thunderbolts* Have been mostly focused on the ensemble. The characters that have been collected as the guard list for the title team are all off-beat antagonist types, and the marketing has mainly focused on their funny dynamics as a device (Recently described by Sebastian Stan as a Brat-Pack-Esque feature). Today, the film debuted a brand new trailer for Marvel Studios Blockbuster, which finally gives us a better sense of history – and although there is a clear attempt to try to hide the identity of the film’s main villain, I am pretty sure I know who it is.

In this new Thunderbolts* Trailer, it is revealed that the team has been brought together because there is a serious threat to the world that has arisen and there is a consensus that the avengers will not gather to stop it. We see evidence that the power of this threat by evaporating and helicopters crashes, but when the big bad one is on the screen they are just represented as a silhouette:

Silhouetted villain that looks like Sentry in Marvel Studios' Thunderbolts*

(Image Credit: Marvel Studios)

Marvel Studios has a history of using visual effects to manipulate scenes in marketing materials, and I think it is safe to say that they are hired here to prevent us from recognizing who the villain is:

Silhouetted villain that looks like Sentry in Marvel Studios' Thunderbolts*

(Image Credit: Marvel Studios)

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