SAG AWARDS 2025: Here is what Selena Gomez munned while accepting her surprising win
Taylor Lautner Don’t let anyone tell Selena Gomez She is not perfect.
The Dusk The star defended Only murder in the building Actress from Trolls, who remodeled a side by side by Selena, one at 2024 SA SAG AWARDS and one at the same price exhibition 2025.
“It’s a cruel world full of hate out there,” Taylor Wrote on Top of the Image. “You can Never please everyone Nor Should you have to. In my experience it does not make the word sting less, it just refocuses you evil ista, and it. Your body. Daily reminder to all of us to not forget how beautiful you are inside and out … and to be a little nicer. “
The actor – who has also been open to how Body Shamers affected him after playing ripped werewolf Jacob Black – dropped off his post by adding Selena’s own song “Who Says.” Pop -Hymnen 2011 shares a strengthening message, full of texts like “I’m not a beauty queen, I’m just beautiful me” and “Who says, who says you’re not perfect?”