Search canceled for sisters who disappeared after chilling final text

The search for Eliza Huszti and Henrietta Huszti continues.

The police announced January 29 that they have canceled the river Search for the Hungary-in-born sisters, both 32. The update comes over three weeks after the women-which is part of a set of triplets-Vanad after being at the latest just after 2 AM local time January 7 on Market Street at Victoria Bridge in Aberdeen, Scotland.

“Extensive and detailed searches have been implemented from the River Dee and Harbor Area,” Local Superintendent David Howieson said in a statement obtained by People“Use local and national special police resources, including dive and marine units, police dogs and air support and partner agencies.”

Howieson added that “these searches have now been completed right now, but requests will continue to track Eliza and Henrietta.”

The supervisor continued to share that “the investigation continues”, with search efforts focused on other areas.

“Coastal areas, both north and south of Aberdeen City, will continue to be sought and all the further information received by the police will be acted,” he said. “I would again emphasize that there is nothing to indicate any suspected circumstances or crime.”

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