NYU Club President resigns after calling Barron Trump a “weirdness”

Ivana Trump was the first wife to Presidential election Donald Trump. Born in Gottwaldov, Czechoslowakia – now Zlín from the Czech Republic – in 1949 she rose to fame as a competitive skier. And thanks to her marriage with Austrian ski instructor Alfred Winklmayr In 1971, Ivana was often able to travel outside Czechoslowakia.

According to her book Raising TrumpThe model met Donald three years after her 1973 divorce during a New York trip, where she had traveled for a Canadian fashion show before the Montreal Olympics. They married in 1977 and welcomed three children: Donald Trump Jr. Born in 1977, Ivanka Trump Born 1981 and Eric Trump Born in 1984.

The couple’s divorce was completed in 1992 after his business with Marla Mapleswhich he later married.

But Ivana – who then married Riccardo Buttocks for two years followed by Rosano Rubicondi For less than a year – and Donald remained on good terms.

“Donald during the divorce was brutal,” she told ABC News 2017. “He took the divorce as a business agreement and he can’t lose. He must win. So he took about two years. And after the last situation was straightened up, we would just talk and we are friends. ”

Ivanas died in 2022 at the age of 73. According to NBC NewsNew York City medical examiners said she died of ”Brown Em packs“And that her death was an accident. A higher NYC official with direct knowledge added the circumstances was compatible with a fall on the stairs in her apartment in New York.

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