Mark Wahlberg seems to really like being a spy, doesn’t it? On top of last year’s breakout streaming hit The family planthe man now has another espionage comedy where he is once again in over his head with the wrong people. But that one 2024 movie The Union has a rather interesting twist on the matter, as none other than James Bond movie vet Halle Berry is the seasoned vet this time around; and she has ensnared Marky Mark into a deadly game.
As a spy movie fan, I love this; but I’m also pretty sold on Berry and Wahlberg being one of the next premier action rom-com duos. Netflix has made sure, as the streamer has now shared the first trailer for director Julian Farino’s upcoming action/adventure game.
Reunites former high school sweethearts Roxanne (Halle Berry) and Mike (Mark Wahlberg), these Jersey kids don’t have long to catch up before she takes him to London. While the mission to recover a list of “every American spy” for The Union is something torn straight out not only Heavy rainbut also Mission: Impossible moviesit wasn’t what caught my eye.
Rather, the chemistry between Halle Berry and Mark Wahlberg, as well as other actors such as the spy chief JK Simmonsis what really sold me on the promise of this movie. Every good title in this action/adventure subgenre needs a team to drive its mission. Berry, Wahlberg and Simmons feel like a dynamite trio to anchor things, and having a legend like Jackie Earle Haley playing the gang’s Q only seals the deal even more.
Also, I’m not entirely sure, but I’m starting to think that Luke Colter is the Bond villain in Union’s spin this formula. It’s not confirmed, but between the action in the trailer and that crisp press shot of the man you see above, it makes that impression harder to shake. If that happens to be true, Merry Christmas, we could be in for quite a battle.
The Union couldn’t come at a better time for Mark Wahlberg enthusiasts. Not only did it The family plan crowd-pleasing results turned into a record-breaking hit for Apple TV+ towards the end of 2023, was also seen this spring Arthur the king win the hearts of Wahlberg fans. Pair that with Halle Berry’s undeniable star power, as well as Netflix experiences like her directorial debut Blue markedand you have a recipe for an exciting time.
And with that, you have officially been informed The Union! You now have all the information you need before this mission kicks off on August 16th. Well, except for the fact that you have to renew yours Netflix subscription in preparation for what looks to be an explosive good time.