Marc Maron Doc does not break its subject

Being a curmudgeon is part of its persona, but it is not that difficult to find evidence of Marc Maron To be vulnerable. Just listen to the introductions to his “WTF” podcast, where Standup veteran monologues about anything on his mind that day. And safe, some listeners quickly forward through these parts to get to the interview. But if you want to get to know the “real Marc Maron”, he is willing to expose his soul – it just has to be on his own terms.

Some of the most revealing content of the SXSW document ”Are we good?“Coming from Maron’s podcast, including a heartbreaking sound extract where he announces the death of his partner Lynn Shelton to his listeners. Director Steven Feinartz gets a disarming interview on the camera with Maron about Shelton’s death, which suddenly occurred in May 2020 from “some blood disease that no one knew about”, as Maron puts it. It is visibly difficult for him to talk about it, and when one of his cats interrupts him, Maron seems relieved to stop sharing and making a joke.

Early, a colleague comedian describes Maron as an “asshole.” He is certainly a broken man and an opinion. His humor is dark and cutting, and he does not hold back with show readings on topics like “politically inaccurate” comedians (he calls them “hacking with an apology”) and Joe Rogan Podcasting Empire. But an asshole? Maybe if he was not right, as he is when he tells Feinartz that his idea of ​​animating still for the doctor will not work. “I’ve never seen it’s not Hokey,” says Maron. Feinartz does it anyway, and the effect is exactly what the Maron warned him about it.

Maron Where An asshole back in their cocaine days. He admits it. A big question with “Are we good?” is that its speaking biographical segments are painfully conventional and mares troublesome with filmis more intimate material. A better movie would have found a pervasive line, but as it is, it seems like two incomplete documentaries: one about Marc Maron who found his fun again after a particularly dark period in his life, and one about his journey through the comedy world in the 80s and 90s against launching “WTF” 2009.

In between, some dark things happened that Maron does not want to talk about. Feinartz handles this by integrating Maron’s hostility into his movie: He opens with a scene by Maron Backstage in the comedy shop, talking shit and waiting for his turn to go on stage. It has been a while, and he is nervous, and he really does not appreciate that Feinartz is there, even less to ask him questions. “I shoot you away,” says Maron sarcastically, turning away from the camera.

The moment tells something about the Maron, but the score is made. And with time and repetition, feinartz strategy to include images of Maron is fighting against the process Starting to feel like an apology. It is not his fault that he could not break down the walls of Maron, he seems to say – see what an asshole this guy is! But we also see a more sensitive Maron cleaning his cats’ hills and chat with guys about rush in the record store and be polite to his father’s much younger Republican wife. The unattended nature of these images does not translate to the interviews, and the filmmaker must take at least part of the debt in order not to have established that type of report with his subject.

Feinartz Helm’s stand-up specials, and his appreciation for Maron’s work gives “Are we good?” Some of its strongest – and subtlest – through lines. Feinartz also directed Maron’s 2023 special “from gloom to darkness,” and seeing materials from that set develops from relaxed remarks to gross draft road work to polished pieces on HBO gives fascinating insight into the comedian’s process and the craft of joking writing. However, this is not the point of the film.

What is the point of “Are we good?”, Then? If it is to take an intimate look at Maron’s life, the movie is only partially successful. Although he is actually quite charming, often despite himself, Marc Maron is careful. Once he released his guard, it was with Lynn Shelton, and she shattered her entire world when she died. So he is determined not to let it happen again. It is understandable on human level, but it takes a special filmmaker to overcome that kind of opposition. In “Are we good?”, Even the confessional segments have an undercurrent resistance to them – an interesting dynamic, but one that this filmmaker does not know what to do with.

Rating: B-

“Are we good?” Premiere on SXSW 2025. It is currently seeking US distribution.

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