Justin Baldoni’s wife breaks the silence in the middle of Blake’s lively legal battle

December 31 2024: Baldoni, Wayfarer & Others Sue New York Times

Baldoni, Wayfares, Heath, Sarowitz, Nathan, TAG, Abel, RWA Communications, Wallace and Street Relations submitted a lawsuit against New York Times December 31.

In the trial like E! News New York Times Accused of slander, false infringement of integrity, debt fraud and violations of implied contracts for their article on a revenge campaign that the plaintiffs are alleged to have implemented against lively after expressing concern about alleged service errors at the recording site.

By saying that the report was “fake” and based on Lively’s CRD complaints, the plaintiffs denied the charges and claimed Messages quoted in the article And complaints were taken out of context.

“Despite his claim to have ‘reviewed these along with other documents (,)’ ‘ Times Released almost entirely on Lively’s unverified and self -advanced story, “it says in the lawsuit,” lifted it almost verbatim while ignoring an abundance of evidence that opposed her claims and revealing her true motives. “

They also claim that “it was lively, not the defendant, who became involved in a calculated dirt -throwing campaign.” She has denied this.

New York Times said they are planning to “severely defend themselves against the trial.”

“An independent news organization’s role is to follow facts where they lead,” it was E!. “Our history was reported carefully and responsibly. It was based on a review of thousands of pages with original documents, including the text messages and emails we quote correct

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