There is also now a 21-foot high Bronze statue of Shakira The middle of dance in eternity along the water in her hometown Barranquilla, Colombia. The plaque under the artwork of Yino Márquez Reads: “A heart that composes, hips that do not lie, an unmatched talent, a voice that concerns the masses and only feet that marches in favor of children and humanity.”
The honor came 22 years after she burst out on the English-speaking scene with the 2001s Laundry servicewith her infectious ode to make it work no matter what “anytime, was.”
That still sounds good – and very Romantic – in theory.
But in practice, Shakira and Piqué’s Partnership-she told 60 minutes In 2020, it scares the marriage “st” by her and she preferred the title girlfriend or lover to wife-turned unsustainable at some point. And at least as far as the little bit she suggested about, Piqué is the whose behavior received him a red card.
In October, however, Piqué indicated that the prevailing story abounded their division Don’t be exactly What happened.
“In the end, the truth or whatever is happening or occurs in the way it was,” told the 37-year-old (from February 2, the athlete told CNN in Spanish In an October 18 interview translated from Spanish. “I can’t control this.”
He continued, “The best thing is that in the end I am surrounded by my loved ones, my family, my friends, the people who really know you. They know how you are and how you do, and it gives me a lot of peace of mind. “