5. Family is the key to Grant, and he describes himself as a “Mama’s Boy” in his Bachelorette -Bio. When he was at the show, Grant also opened his relationship with his father, including his father’s struggle with addiction.
“My father has been an addict for, as well as 30 years,” he told Jenn during their one-to-one date in New Zealand in the section 5 August. “Dependence is a difficult thing. Because growing up my pops was everything. Like he was my superhero. He used to take me to the park. And he always used to be inebriated or intoxicated under the subject. And the worst thing is that I didn’t know. When you are a child you believe in everything. And the one person I trusted most to always lied. ”
Just before Grant came on the show, he continued, his father lost his job.
“Sometimes they blame, they blame,” Grant said. “So he blamed everyone: ‘Oh, my boss this. My boss it. ‘I was like,’ Listen, Dad. I don’t care. ‘This is like the proudest I’ve ever been to my dad. He called me the next day and he said, “I check in rehabilitation.” Checked in rehabilitation. And ever since we had a conversation and he was like, “Listen, son: This is the first time you know the real me when I’m not drunk.” So I’m really leaning into it. So now he is a little for two months sober. I hope he keeps strong. This is his first time I also live. “
And his father has supported the reality star’s journey.
“I love the man that you have become,” said his father in a snikitt at this season of Bachelor. “You are my heart, man. I want the best for you. You deserve happiness, son.”