Freakier Friday’s First Trailer gave Jamie Lee Curtis his first quotable line, and this reunion with Lindsay Lohan melts my millennial heart

As Millennials gets older, it is sometimes amazing to think about how old our favorite movies from childhood actually are. Case in point: Freaky Friday (which flows with a Disney+ subscription), who met theaters over two decades since 2003. It finally gets a sequel, with Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan Back to repeat their roles such as Tess and Anna. And the first trailer for Freakier Friday already gave some murderers to oscarring Actress JLC.

What we know about Freakier Friday Has been quite limited so far, although it really seemed as if the couple with leading ladies were happy to be back together. Their chemistry is heartwarming in the above trailer, and for the second time they both act as children. We can’t all forget Curtis famous to say “I look like Crypt keeper” in the original film, and this time when the body changes she happens in a funny way pronounces

My face looks like a Birkin bag that has been left out in the sun to rot!

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