Bachelor’s Grant Ellis reveals if he regrets the first impression winner

Bachelor’s Grant Ellis reveals all regrets at the first impression Rose winner (exclusive)

This story contains spoilers from the 27 January section of Bachelor.

First impression is all – just ask BachelorS Giving Ellis.

And in the Season 29 premiere of the long-term dating series, the charming day dealer from Newark, New Jersey, gave his very sought-after first impression to the 27-year-old rose to the 27-year-old Alexe GodinA decision he is still on.

“When I look back, I wouldn’t have done it in any other way,” Grant told E! News. “I would give it to Alexe again. That night was meant for her and I really don’t know if I had any runners, frankly. “

Alexe, a pediatric speech therapist from Atlantic Canada, earned some extra points to bring an unconventional four -leg friend to help search for her new freer.

“She brought a lame with her,” recalled Grant. “I’m an animal guy so I had a lot of fun with it. I’m glad I didn’t get spit on! “

With an astonishing 25 women to choose from at Night One, the 31-year-old admitted that he “had such a hard time” to choose who would give the first impression rose on. In the end, however, Grant was clearly impressed by more than just Alexes Lama Management.

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