In the morning of June 16, 2008, she remembered, she made Cayle Breakfast but did not feel good, so she went to lie, brought Cayle in the bedroom with her and turned on the TV. They lived in Casey’s childhood home with George and Cindy.
Casey said she fell asleep for a while and woke up to her father and asked her where Cayle was. She said she started frantically looking for her out into the yard and then walked around the side of the house to find George with a “soaking of wet” Caylee. “I can see him stand there with her in his arms,” Casey said. “And handed her to me and told me it is my fault, that I did, that I caused it. And I just collapsed with her in my arms.”
Casey said Cayle felt “heavy” and “cold”, and she was “hysterical.” George, who takes Caylee from her, “immediately softens his tone and tells me,” It’s going to be ok, “said Casey.” That she “would be ok.” That’s what he told me.
After pausing for a few seconds in the interview, her face tear -colored, she continued, “and I don’t know how long I was sitting outside, I don’t know where he went. He took her from me and he went away. I know he went back through the screen doors and he went back into the house. And I don’t know where she was going. And I just didn’t want her.”
When he testified at Casey’s trial, George denied that he had any knowledge of how Cayle died or was involved in disposing of his body. “I would have made everything human to save my granddaughter about what was said,” he said, leaving that he “never knew about something that happened to Caylee” until she was confirmed death.