Erik Menendez describes the wife of support among “dangerous” prison

Lyle Mernendezsince 28, married model and salon receptionist Anna Eriksson on July 2, 1996, the day he and brother Erik Mernendez was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of trial for the 1989 murder of their parents, Jose and Kitty Merendez.

Anna started writing to Lyle in 1993 during her first trial, which ended in a trial, and then moved to California to be close to him the following year. She became a reliable presence at the month -long retrial that began in 1995 and resulted in beliefs in March 1996, according to Los Angeles Times.

They could not take their promises in person, but Lyle instead took the step over the speakerphone, the groom in custody and the bride at the Office of Defense Atorney Leslie Abramson.

He hoped seeming to be able to marry Anna personally, when he knew where he was going to end up.

“We have a marriage procedure,” California’s criminal institution spokesman LT. Jack Pitko told Times In September 1996, Lyle and Erik had been ordered to separate prisons. “There is a waiting list … but I don’t see why he shouldn’t be able to get married if he follows all the rules.”

Anna applied for divorce in 2001 after, according to several reports from that time, she was alleged that Lyle exchanged letters with other women.

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