On June 18, 2023, a deep-sized submitted titanium was declared, which is run by the US-based company’s Oceangate expeditions and carries five people on a trip to the Titanic wreckage. After a five-day search, the US Coast Guard announced at a press conference on June 22 that the ship was leading a “disaster implosion” that killed all five passengers on board.
Pakistani -born businessman Shahzada Daood and his 19-year-old son Suleman DawoodBoth British citizens were also among the victims.
Their family is one of the richest in Pakistan, with Shahzada Dawood as Vice President of Engro Corporation, Per New York Times. His son studied at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland.
Shahzada’s sister Azmeh Dawood told NBC News The Suleman had expressed reluctance to go on the trip and informed a relative that he was “not much up for it” and felt “scared” about the trip to explore the wreck of Titanic, but finally went to please his father, a Titanic Damn, for Father’s Day.
Dawood Foundation mourned their deaths in a statement to WebsiteTo say, “It is with deep sadness that we announce Shahzada and Suleman Dawood’s passing. Our beloved sons were aboard Oceangages Titan underwater grief.”