Disturbing Terifier 3 Trailer See’s Art Clown playing with blood for Christmas, so bring the Barf bags

The horror genre has flourished for a number of years now, with some of the Best horror movies returns to the cinemas as a result. It includes common titles such as scream, as well as more indie properties such as Damien Leones Scary. When it was released, Horror 2 created headlines to make people vomit on the theaters. The first trailer for Horror 3 See Art the Clown play with blood for Christmas, and I bring a barfbag to see it.

What we know about Horror 3 Is limited, but the franchise will mix its scary villain species with Christmas. The third Scary The film was moved up A few weeks until October, and this first trailer is a worrying glimpse of the coming … including art that makes snow angels in blood.

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